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Undergraduate Education

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Source: Click: Time: September 4, 2019 11:48

    2019Year8month19Sunday8month28Day,Co-sponsored by the Network Security and Information Technology Commission Office of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Provincial Department of Education and other units2019Hunan Province seabet online sports betting seabet casino review Critical Information Infrastructure Network Security Emergency Drill Competition。A participating team composed of two junior students from the Aurora Network Security Laboratory of our college,Represented Central South University in the competition and won the first place in the university group。

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   In order to improve the level of the event, the organizer of this event invited30A first-class network security professional technical team in China,Youqi Anxin、Venus Star、Teams of well-known domestic seabet casino review network seabet sports betting security companies such as NSFOCUS,From National University of Defense Technology、Hunan University、Teams from scientific research institutes of Xiangtan University and other universities,Also from the National Internet Emergency Center、China Telecom、China Mobile、China Unicom and other state-owned enterprises、Public institution team,A gathering of experts,Spectacular lineup。

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   Our hospitalAuroraThe team is like a newborn calf, not afraid of opponents and never falling behindDownwind,Competing with several strong teams from companies and universities,Discover and submit multiple seabet online sports betting seabet casino review Critical Information Infrastructure vulnerabilities,After the period10After many fierce competitions over the course of the day, we won great results.

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Contact information: 0731-88836659 Address: Computer Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

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